All About Rice

How Rice Grows



Field Preparation

In March, farmers begin to prepare their fields for planting. First, fields are carefully leveled with precision, GPS or laser-guided grading equipment. Level fields allow rice farmers to conserve water. Fertilizer is then added, and shallow furrows are rolled into the field. By April, the fields are ready to be planted.



Flooding and Seeding

Water is run into the fields to a depth of only 5 inches. Consistent water depth has been shown to improve the rice plants’ ability to compete against weeds for nutrients and sunlight, reducing the need for herbicides. Rice seed is then soaked and loaded into planes. Flying at 100 mph, planes plant the fields from the air. The heavy seeds sink into the furrows and begin to grow.



Maturation of Rice

The rice seedlings are now ready to begin their four to five-month journey to maturity. Early in the growing cycle, one to two applications of herbicides are applied to control weeds. If necessary, farmers may also treat the fields for the rice water weevil and other insects. Early application of just a few crop protection materials ensures pure rice at harvest. The rice grows rapidly, ultimately reaching a height of 3 feet. During this time, farmers are careful to maintain a consistent water depth of the same 5 inches. By late summer, the grain begins to appear in long panicles on the top of the plant. By September, the grain heads are mature and ready to be harvested. On average, each acre will yield over 8,000 pounds of rice!




Before rice harvest can begin, the fields must be drained. Once the fields are dry, state-of-the-art harvesters enter the fields to collect the perfectly ripe grain. Because quality is so important, these harvesters are designed to both gently and rapidly bring the grain in from the fields. Specialized tractors called bankout wagons come alongside, receiving the rice and delivering it to waiting trailers so the harvesters can continue without having to stop to unload.



Milling & Storage

Next, the rice is carefully dried to an ideal moisture level and stored until the customer places an order. At the mill, the hull is first removed, leaving brown rice. White rice is the result of gently removing the bran layers to leave just the inner, pearly grain. Rice mills in California are among the most advanced in the world, with specialized equipment to mill, sort and package rice to meet the highest quality standards.


Rice most productive in the world! is grown in heavy clay soils which hold water like a bathtub. Farmers carefully level fields with precision GPS technology. Five inches of water is added to the fields. Rice seed is then soaked, loaded into planes and planted by air at about 100 miles per hour.


After harvest, a few inches of water is applied to fields to break down rice straw and provide food and a resting place for nearly 230 wildlife species including millions of migrating ducks and geese.
Rice is carefully dried to 
an ideal moisture level and stored until the customer places an order. Milling is done year-round. The hull is first removed, leaving brown rice. If needed, more bran layers are gently removed to produce white rice.
Rice mills in California are among the most advanced in the world,
meeting the highest
quality standards.


Rice plants grow to a height of three feet. Farmers maintain a consistent water depth of the same five inches. By September, the grain heads are mature and ready to be harvested. Our fields produce more than four tons per acre, among the Rice most productive in the world.


Fields are drained. Once dry, hi-tech harvesters gently gather the perfectly ripe grain. Specialized bankout wagons come alongside the harvesters, receive the rice and deliver it to waiting trailer.


Rice most productive in the world! is grown in heavy clay soils which hold water like a bathtub. Farmers carefully level fields with precision GPS technology. Five inches of water is added to the fields. Rice seed is then soaked, loaded into planes and planted by air at about 100 miles per hour.


Rice plants grow to a height of three feet. Farmers maintain a consistent water depth of the same five inches. By September, the grain heads are mature and ready to be harvested. Our fields produce more than four tons per acre, among the Rice most productive in the world.


Fields are drained. Once dry, hi-tech harvesters gently gather the perfectly ripe grain. Specialized bankout wagons come alongside the harvesters, receive the rice and deliver it to waiting trailer.


After harvest, a few inches of water is applied to fields to break down rice straw and provide food and a resting place for nearly 230 wildlife species including millions of migrating ducks and geese.
Rice is carefully dried to 
an ideal moisture level and stored until the customer places an order. Milling is done year-round. The hull is first removed, leaving brown rice. If needed, more bran layers are gently removed to produce white rice.
Rice mills in California are among the most advanced in the world,
meeting the highest
quality standards.

Type of Rice


It is rice with soft and pleasant favor with a bit of glutinosity. Over 80% of Californian rice is the Calrose and this is the same variety as Korea’s precocious species.

Premium Medium Rice

Not only does it have a lot of luster when cooked and plump grains, it maintains the moisture throughout the year. It is sweeter and more glutinous than Calrose. It is the same late maturing variety as Korea’s.


As the rice variety of top quality, it is glutinous with sweetness that makes it ideal for sushi rice. The bright color and excellent gloss are characteristics of the rice when cooked.

Sweet rice

The main ingredient of glutinous rice that is starch has the softness great for digestion with amylopectin structure.

Brown sweet rice


It takes pride in aromatic taste and is abundant in various nutrients and minerals as only the husk has been removed for the rice germ to remain in place.

Brown rice

With remains of rice bran(rice germ), it has more vitamins and dietary fibers than white rice to be relatively lower in carbohydrates.

Gaba Rice

It has been said that germinated brown rice has higher level of nutrients. It is a bit softer than regular brown rice.

Storage Tips

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Avoid direct sunlight

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Be careful of contamination
with moisture

Store in a tightly closed container or seal the bags closed

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Store at a dry ventilated cool place

Cooking Tips

Tip 1

How To Make Rice in a Rice Cooker

*Here are instructions for cooking Calrose rice. The amount of water and cooking method can differ according to type of rice.

Put rice in a large bowl to rinse with cold water. At first, the water will look milky but it will soon get clearer.

(It is okay even if the water remains a bit milky.)


Put rice and water in the rice cooker. It is best to follow the guide provided by the manufacturers of rice cooker according to type of rice being prepared.

Generally, rice cookers advise you mix 1 1/2~2 cups of water to 1 cup of rice. In this method, approximately 3 cups of rice or rice enough for 6 persons(1/2 cup) will be enough.

Usually, long grain rice require more rice and short grain rice require less water.


Turn on the rice cooker and select the correct cooking option according to the rice cooker (check instructions).

The rice cooker will automatically cook the rice and turn off when completed. Please refer to the instruction manual for estimated cooking time.


When it says the rice is done, leave the rice in the cooker for approximately 5 to 10 minutes. You could eat the rice immediately if in a hurry but if you wait, the moisture will evaporate a little to be distributed into the grain with heat.

Tip 2

How to Cook Perfect Rice on the Stove

*Here are instructions for cooking Calrose rice. The amount of water and cooking method can differ according to type of rice.

Put rice in a large bowl to rinse with cold water. At first, the water will look milky but it will soon get clearer. (It is okay even if the water remains a bit milky.)

Check and make sure that you’re using a large pot that will hold the rice even after it has cooked and expanded.

Put water into the pot and boil on medium heat. If desired, you can add butter and/or salt.

백미, 장립형 :  쌀 한 컵당 물 1 1/2컵 

백미, 중립형 :  쌀 한 컵당 물 1 1/2컵 

백미, 단립형 :  쌀 한 컵당 물 1 1/4 컵 

현미, 장립형 :  쌀 한 컵당 물 2 1/4 컵

바스마티나 자스민 쌀과 같이 인도식 쌀의 경우에는 건조된 쌀이기 때문에 보통 쌀 1컵당 물 1 1/2컵 정도만 필요합니다.


When the water comes to a boil, lower the heat and cover to cook for 17 minutes until the rice becomes soft and the water is absorbed.

It can take up to 25 minutes depending on the amount of rice.

After checking that the water has fully absorbed and the rice is cooked, turn off the heat and leave for 5 minutes. Then take a paddle or chopsticks to mix the rice and spread it out (This will help prevent the rice from balling up and release heat.).
Tip 3

How to Reheat Rice

For re-heating the rice in a microwave, place the rice in a microwavable dish to sprinkle some water on top. Place a wet paper towel on top of the dish so that the rice doesn’t dry out.
When using the stovetop, put a small amount of water to place the pot on low heat with the lid on and make sure to stir so that the bottom doesn’t burn.
Tip 4

How to Store and Freeze Rice

When appropriately refrigerated, the rice can be stored up to 5 days. If it feels dry to the touch, it helps to add a small amount of water before re-heating the rice.
The rice can be frozen for up to 4 months. It is best to store the leftover rice in a ziplock bags for the freezer or divide into small amounts to store in dishes safe for the freezer.